roasted poblano corn chowder

This creamy Roasted Poblano Corn Chowder is an easy, filling, and vegetarian-friendly recipe perfect for weeknight dinners.

Let’s get started!

- poblano peppers - corn - soup veggies - broth - heavy cream - cheese - herbs - seasonings

Ingredients Needed

For spicier chowder, leave the seeds and veins intact when preparing the peppers.

*Quick Tip!*

Place the chiles on a sheet pan under a broiler for 5 minutes, or until the skin is blackened and blistered.


Saute the soup veggies until they are soft. Add in potatoes, seasonings, and broth. Cook until potatoes are cooked through. 


Carefully scoop some of the chowder into a blender and blend until smooth. Place back in the pot, stir in the corn, poblano pieces, heavy cream, and shredded cheese.


Serve each bowl of soup with a garnish of chopped cilantro and a squeeze of fresh lime juice and enjoy!